About Us

At Pixie, we offer a unique and comprehensive approach to early intervention for developmental delays. Our multidisciplinary team specializes in the early identification of delays in children under two years old, empowering parents through a parent-mediated model where they are trained to actively support their child’s growth. We provide structured, curriculum-based interventions tailored to each child’s needs, coupled with a focus on early school integration to ensure a seamless transition into mainstream education. What sets us apart is our holistic experience that addresses the child’s developmental requirements while supporting the entire family, nurturing an environment where every child can thrive and realize their full potential.

Our Services

At Pixie, we diagnose and treat various developmental delays and emotional and behavioural disorders in children and adolescents.

Developmental Assessments

We conduct comprehensive developmental assessments to identify each child's strengths, challenges, and unique needs.

Intelligence Assessments

We conduct intelligence assessments to obtain valuable insights into a child's cognitive abilities, guiding personalized intervention plans and educational strategies.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Using evidence-based techniques, we assist children in developing coping strategies, managing emotions, and improving problem-solving skills.

Remedial Education

We provide targeted academic support and tailored learning strategies to help children overcome learning difficulties and reach their full potential.

Speech Therapy

We work with children to improve communication skills, speech clarity, and language development through personalized therapy sessions and interactive activities.

Occupational Therapy

We focus on improving children's motor skills, sensory processing abilities, and overall independence in daily activities.


We focus on enhancing children's motor skills, coordination, and physical strength to support their overall mobility and independence.
Where Every Child Shines

At Pixie, we offer a safe, non-judgmental space for children and families seeking help.

Our Approach

Fostering Development

At Pixie, we take a holistic approach to early intervention, focusing on each child's unique strengths and needs to create personalized intervention.
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    Igniting every child’s infinite potential

    Early intervention leads to improved cognitive, social, emotional, and physical outcomes and smoother transitions for the child.
